Polycarbonate LED Marker / Clearance Light w/ Pigtail

SKU: a074-00-012

Features: The 074 is a streamlined LED marker / clearance light. The light has potted circuitry and comes with a 7" long two wire pigtail. Hot wire lead has a .180 bullet terminal while the ground wire has a ring terminal. Light is rugged and ideal for hard to reach locations.

Dimensions: 3-5/8" L. x 11/16" W. x 7/8" H.

Mounting: Two 13/64" Dia.mounting holes, 3" apart

Materials: Polycarbonate lens

Electrical: Voltage: 12V

Wiring: Hot lead wire & ground wire

Meets FMVSS 108

074-00-012 07400012 074-00-022 07400022